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Reading Blog #2

I find John Cage an especially fascinating man after talking about him in class and reading this article. There's a weird area I feel about Cage’s art where I can both see it as groundbreaking but also understand that if I was a person paying to see a show I’d be pretty damn annoyed if it was just silence. Overall, Cage really reminds me of that argument about modern art and why it's bad, the “Oh well I could easily do that.” met with an eye roll at whatever piece. But then the response to that criticism is “Well you didn’t, this person did it first and that's what makes it exceptional.” I think that overall fills how I think Cage’s art stands. Especially using what we would usually see as boring or mundane such as regular sounds outside into something special and personal. I think Cage through his art using sounds was able to force people to stop and see what they usually ignore. The quote that I just really enjoyed in the piece was Cage’s quote, “I couldn’t be happier than I am in this apartment, with the sounds from Sixth Avenue constantly surprising me, never once repeating themselves,” His art is groundbreaking and different, but also simple and sweet. Sound is everywhere and constant and while I think his art when it first came out seemed pretty mediocre due to the general public I think with time we are able to have a deeper understanding.

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