About the Artist
Howdy! My name is Erse Reed and I am a Junior History and Secondary Education major, as well, I am also a Colorado native from Centennial. Throughout my whole life, I have always had a love and enjoyment for art. But this semester is the first time I have ever taken any type of art class, I have always done art in my own free time for joy and relaxation. Art has always been one of my hobbies or ways to relieve stress, especially after a busy day, it feels nice to do something I can completely control. The main things that I like to create are usually portraits of different people. If not I like to draw fan art of media that makes me happy, such as singers or movie characters. My interest in digital art started during my Sophomore year of high school and taught myself using Procreate on the iPad. Drawing digitally has been the main way I’ve done art in recent years due to the accessibility, especially when moving so often with college, it’s nice only needing a tablet and pencil. Though when I can I enjoy doing art with watercolors, colored pencils, or collaging. I think the main thing that my tries art states is to make me or others happy, especially when I get the chance to do art with friends and family. I’m excited to take a class about art because there is only so much I can learn when I stay in my comfort zone. I have truly always loved doing art ever since I could hold a pencil, it truly is my happy place after a long day.