I’m quite excited about this assignment because it definitely feels a lot less low-key than the zine. Especially, since it’s something I've never done before with audio mixing. I’m thinking of making my narrative a more calm concept like a day in the life of an average person. Using noises like someone brushing their teeth in the morning or taking the bus to their job/class. I’m trying to figure out a way to make this concept more unique but I think I need to spend more time looking through the audio files and getting inspired that way. I’d definitely like to use the effects a good amount because they're kind of silly fun to use. I think no matter what project I work on I always leave a kind of funny theme that's a bit weird so I think that is something I can definitely figure out. The main thing I have to figure out is how to make this project 4:33 which I haven’t figured out if that will feel like too much or too little. In my last assignment, I definitely spent a large amount of mental energy trying to make something more emotional or personal so I would like to make something much more relaxed. I think the best way for me to work is to really dive in headfirst and figure out what I would like to do from there. I have a few audios I’m definitely interested in and I like the kind of weird energy John Cage brought into the water walk that I’d like to refer back to.