When making a Zine I didn’t know exactly which direction to head, which led me to the thinking of just similar words that Zine is. Specifically, with Zines being a spin upon the concept of Magazines, it led me to ponder doing one inspired by magazines I read as a kid. The ones I would read often were those teeny bopper magazines such as Seventeen or Teenage that always had bright colors and chaotic collages. As an adult remembering these, It made me think that these magazines really held this concept of femininity that I never quite fit into as both a child and now an adult. Both in the sense of truly no one is this perfect sense of girlhood displayed in this magazine and both growing up feeling like an outsider. This might have been why I was so obsessed with them as a child being kind of voyeuristic to a concept of femininity or womanhood that I never fit into all the way. I think it could be interesting to stylize my zine with the eclectic nature of those magazines on the outside but make the inside more specific to my own experience in relation to womanhood. It seems less stressful to do a project such as this with a personal lens. What might be hard with this idea is that magazines are text-heavy so I still need to figure out how to create a way to work around it. I think I’d like to do drawings for the more personal parts with duller colors of not fitting into this artificial concept of womanhood as an extra vulnerability of showing a real sense of personhood. Compared to the covers being full of colleges and brighter colors. Similarly I think I'd like to add some fun elements that those magazines had like, "who wore it better" or "who is your soul mate quiz" to make the Zine fun to read and to make. I think mostly I need to pick up one of these silly magazines for the first time in over a decade.